Pickleball Tournament


Our first Pickleball Tournament!

Sunday, August 18th, 5-8 PM

We're excited to team up with Chicken N Pickle and host our first Pickleball Tournament!  There are several ways you can be a part of the fun-

  • Sponsor one or more of the courts - you and/or your company will have signage on each court sponsored.  Great advertising!
  • Grab a friend and play as a team - and come up with an awesome team name
  • Come as a spectator and watch
Teams need to arrive by 4:30 to sign in, and paddles and pickleballs are provided. There will also be a small appetizer buffet included.

Please click on the button below to register.  We are limiting the tournament to 24 teams, so sign up today!
I Wanna Play!
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